5 Different Types of Pearls and How to Judge its Quality
A pearl is defined as a hard, glistening object produced within the soft tissue (specifically the mantle) of a living shelled mollusk or another animal, such as fossil conulariids. In simpler terms, while we think of pearls, a luscious round object white a creamy white surface pops in our head. But is it really so? Here are five different types of pearls for you to know! Freshwater Pearls These pearls are grown inside fresh water, and come from the waters of China, generally. These range from 2mm to 12 mm diameter. These pearls come in various pastel colors of peach, white, pink and lavender. Baroque Pearls These come from the Baroque era, led by the great King Charles I. These pearls are judged by their shapes. They are divided into two: Traditional and Baroque pearls and have further classifications under them. Traditional pearls are generally spherical and the other could be anything but that! Baroque pearls are more expensive than traditional pearls. The further cl...